Mediterranean Islands

European Small Islands

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A trip to one of Europe’s small islands could be the ideal getaway for you and your family. A holiday away from the crowds is a chance to get back to nature and avoid the commercialisation of some of Europe’s better-known holiday resorts. Whichever of the islands you choose to visit, you can bring that […]

Mediterranean Islands

Four of Greece’s Most Beautiful Islands

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If you are an avid traveller, you must have visited European cities, such as London, Amsterdam, and Paris. And while you enjoyed your time there, you may have missed those excellent sandy beaches, clear horizons, gorgeous skies, and even the sun. These perks can be found in the Greek islands. Whether you are looking for […]

Mediterranean Islands

Things to Do on Islay

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With large Islands such as Sicily, Ireland, and Great Britain all located in Europe, you could be forgiven for not knowing much about Europe’s small islands. The truth, however, is that the continent is home to lots of smaller yet breathtaking islands, which should be on every traveller’s radar. From Santorini, Ibiza, Isle of Man, […]